Wednesday, March 24, 2010

WEEK 6 - Tuesday, 23/03/10.

The grudge match of the round for the newly formed Eastern Creek Cobras was always going to be the stoush with the Vineyard Vultures.


Well the Vineyard Vultures were the reigning Las Vegas Shootout champions, off to Vegas to represent Australia within the next couple of months.

They had a spectacularly unsuccessful Las Vegas season, surpassed only by their spectacularly successful run of wins as they flapped undefeated through the Silver Cup and then cawed and pecked their way undefeated through the Las Vegas Shootout.

While this sustained performance was a credit to all of their players, there was no doubt that at the heart of that success was Pick and Scotty, the most highly handicapped players on their roster.

Since their epic win, Pick had formed the Eastern Creek Cobras with the core of the old Carousel Cue-Tease team and CB, a fancied ring-in from the Lucky Shooters team.

The Cobras were keen to show everyone including the Vultures they were legitimate playoff contenders. But for the Vultures, stung by the loss of their most fancied players, this was an opportunity to make Pick regret branching out on his own.

Added to this was the fact that the new handicaps were in place. Pick stayed on 20, CB stayed on 10, but Pup and Diddy went from 2.5 to 7.5 and Hooters went from -10 to -7.5, adding 12.5 to the team handicap.

As a result, The Cobras gave the Vultures a miserly 7.5 start at the top, neatly cancelled out by the 7.5 Hooters gave us at the bottom.

On the night Hooters arrived with 2 budding Las Vegas stars in tow, as her sons took in a bit of the 8ball action.

In the first round Pup, Hooters, Diddy and CB all registered wins, with Pick losing in a black ball game, meaning the Cobras got their nose back in front by 6.5.

In the second round Pick and CB won their encounters and Pup lost on the black reducing the margin in the Cobras favour to 1.5.

In the third round Pup, Diddy and Pick all picked up wins, including a crucial 10-0 performance by Pick, so the Cobras took their biggest lead, 11.5 into the fourth.

In the fourth round Hooters, Diddy and Pick picked up wins, resulting in a margin of 12.5 going into the final round with Hooters 7.5 at the bottom still to come.

The final round continued the swinging momentum that had characterised the entire match. Hooters won her encounter, Diddy lost on the black and when CB won the final game the Cobras had stung the Vultures by 17 points.

So in the end the Cobras had hissed their way to a win and sunk their fangs into the dying carcass of the Vultures. A faint “caawww, caawww” was drowned out by the silibant hiss of the crazed Cobras. “SSSSSSSssssssssss”.

Eastern Creek Cobras 208.5 – Vineyard Vultures 191.5.

It's only Week 6, but it's still worth noting that we have been around 1st & 2nd spot for the entire time thus far and despite the handicap adjustments, are well placed to keep troubling even the best sides!!


(This Wk) Cumulative
5. Hooters: (+2) -39.
4. Pup: (-3) 0.
3. CB: (+5) +12.
2. Diddy: (+1) +45.
1. Pick: (+12) +93.

Opposition Adjusted Handicaps
[Hcp minus Opp Av]
Opp Av = +7.5.
5. Pick: (+20 minus +7.5) +12.5
4. CB: (+10 minus +7.5) +2.5
3. Diddy: (+7.5 minus +7.5) 0
2. Pup: (+7.5 minus +7.5) 0
1. Hooters: (-7.5 minus +7.5) -15

FOR & AGAINST (Opposition/Handicap Adjusted)
[F&A minus net OAH] This Week Only
5. Pup: (-3 minus 0) -3.
4. Pick: (+12 minus +12.5) -0.5.
3. Diddy: (+1 minus 0) +1
2. CB: (+5 minus +2.5) +2.5.
1. Hooters: (+2 minus -15) +17.

[Player Name: (W/L) W/L%]
5. Hooters: (13/17) 43.33%.
4. Pup: (14/16) 46.67%.
3. CB: (12/13) 48.00%.
2. Diddy: (18/7) 72.00%.
1. Pick: (22/8) 73.33%.

Next week we're home to Top Pub. Let's go SIC Cobras!!

Cobras Draw – Las Vegas 1

Cobra Stats Explained

Cobra House Rules

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