Tuesday, April 6, 2010

WEEK 8 - Tuesday, 06/04/10.

I was first into the St Marys Brewhouse on game night, closely followed by Pick, Hooters and Pup.

CB as usual arrived close to start time and without his uniform. I was starting to wonder if he was proud to be a Cobra, but CB said he'd misplaced his shirt when he finally turned up, so all was forgiven :-)!

We gave the Brewhouse a 20 point start at the top, but as Amanda from their lineup was sitting out, we retained a 7.5 margin at the bottom as well.

We started well, with Diddy, Pick, CB and Pup all picking up 1st round wins, to leave us just 9 behind at the end of the first.

However the 2nd round was not as convincing, with only Diddy and Pick picking up wins, so despite Pick's being a 10-2 effort the margin drifted to 13 on the back of 3 losses.

In the 3rd Pick, Pup and Diddy all picked up wins and CB and Hooters only lost on the black ball, so it was a strong round and we were only 1 behind heading into the 4th.

The 4th saw CB, Pup and Pick pick up wins. Diddy lost his 1st game of the night when he went in off after sinking the black and the Cobras took their first lead of the night - 4 points - into the final round.

Wins by Diddy and Pick and black ball losses by Pup and Hooters (along with that 7.5 at the bottom) were enough for the Cobras to squeeze home.

St Marys Brewhouse 204 - Eastern Creek Cobras 213.5.

Pick led the way again, winning 5 to be 24 up for the night, while Diddy (winning 4) and Pup (winning 3) provided strong support on the night.


(This Wk) Cumulative
5. Hooters: (-21) -70.
4. Pup: (+7) -1.
3. CB: (-3) +42.
2. Diddy: (+16) +69.
1. Pick: (+24) +157.

Opposition Adjusted Handicaps
[Hcp minus Opp Av]
Opp Av = +5.
5. Pick: (+20 minus +5) +15
4. CB: (+10 minus +5) +5
3. Diddy: (+7.5 minus +5) +2.5
2. Pup: (+7.5 minus +5) +2.5
1. Hooters: (-7.5 minus +5) -12.5

FOR & AGAINST (Opposition/Handicap Adjusted)
[F&A minus net OAH] This Week Only
5. CB: (-3 minus +5) -8
4. Hooters: (-21 minus -12.5) -8.5.
3. Pup: (+7 minus +2.5) +4.5.
2. Pick: (+24 minus +15) +9
1. Diddy: (+16 minus +2.5) +13.5

[Player Name: (W/L) W/L%]
5. Hooters: (14/26) 35.00%.
4. Pup: (19/21) 47.50%.
3. CB: (19/16) 54.29%.
2. Diddy: (25/10) 71.43%.
1. Pick: (32/8) 80.00%.

Next week we're home to Bidwell Boozers!!

Cobras Draw – Las Vegas 1

Cobra Stats Explained

Cobra House Rules

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